Looking for a forever man from 68-75

Edad 78 Desde Vancouver, Washington En línea Más de 2 semanas atrás

Mujer Buscando Mujer

Información Básica Dinos algo acerca de ti.
  • Puedo hablar Inglés
  • Me describiría a mi mismo como My personality is happy, stress-free, bold, good sense of humor, sees things with the glass completely "FULL." fulfilled, honest, strong willed, trusting, loyal, compassionate, Loving, supportive, patient, understanding, and most of all loves God with all my heart.Bold, not afraid to say my mind, but tactfully. Opinionated but usually when I know that what I know is right, I will speak up, but loves to learn and is teachable ...
    I have been a world traveler, author, art teacher, and have owned my own art store and art school for 10 years.
    And before I retired I worked at a correctional facility for women for 10 years.
    I don't have a temper, get angry, yell, scream, curse, smoke, do drugs but, mayhap once in a blue moon or a hot day...have a beer with spicy v-8 in it,
    I do get frustrated but it's only because of what I do now which is work with the Atheists and nonbelievers and when I see the things in the immoral world and how everything is going down the toilet.
    I WAS, in my younger days, very outdoorsy, I had a ranch, stable, built a log cabin (had it built LOL) and worked cattle. BUT...that doesn't stop me from camping or fishing (but haven't done it for years because I don't do 'Alone' well.)
    I like fishing, but yet If it is for the dinner table I don't have a problem with that..
    I love traveling, to a point, but haven't because I don't do "ALONE"
    But, before the Lord comes back I am hoping to travel to Israel preferably with a tour, but with a well known PROPHETIC evangelist such as Perry Stone, or Hal Lindsey, or Ervin Baxter...I also would like to go to Germany, to visit the concentration camps for history and references for the book that I am writing ( or attempting to write )
    I like to canoe, sail,m, dance (if I can find someone to dance with me I would love once to waltz,..
    I can cook, but would LOVE to find someone that likes to cook too and will share that 'duty' I HATE gardening, and hopefully find someone that will take that chore off my hands.

    I don't do tennis, or run, or exercise to keep fit, I find that boring and nonproductive, for exercise, I do like to bowl, but am very cautious once again about my knee.
    I like to walk fun places like sat markets and peruse the stalls and watch people. I walk the dog LOL and mow the lawn to keep fit..

    I am down to earth, I dress most of the time in jeans and a comfortable T shirt .so If you are looking for a dainty woman that likes to wear make up, curl their hair, and put's on dresses. I am not that person. I would like to be loved because of my heart and not my face nor body...
    I do not do egos...and I am not a trophy wife for anyone. I am a partner and one that will stand by her man thru thick and thin because I love him.
    I also am hoping that the man of my dreams will accept me as I am..I am no beauty I am strong and built like an Irish tugboat and I am not ashamed of what God has given me for a body, If you are interested in ME and want to get to know me you'll approach me first.
    God has given me the gifts of teaching and prophesy, I use it extensively, in the ways of watching the politics of the day,

    I do not do MOODS! nor am I moody...
  • Signo Cancer
Apariencia y Situación ¿Cual es tu situación actual? Describe tu apariencia.
  • Mi tipo de cuerpo es Fornido/a
  • Mi altura es 5' 11 (1.8 m)
  • Mis ojos son Avellana
  • Mi raza es Caucásico
  • Mi situación marital es Viudo
  • Tengo hijos Si - No En Casa
  • Quiero tener hijos No
  • Mi Mejor característica es Sonrisa
  • Piercings, tatuajes… Tatuaje visible
  • Mi pelo es Sal y Pimienta
  • Tengo uno o más de estos Gato , Perro
  • Me iría a vivir a otro lugar Si
Estatus ¿Qué es lo que haces?
  • Mi nivel de estudios / educación es Diploma Unversidad
  • Mi situación laboral actual es Retirado
  • Mi especialidad es Arte / Música / Literatura
  • Mi trabajo es como cartoonist, art teacher writer
  • Mi salario anual es de Menos de $14,999USD
  • Vivo en Con compañero/s de piso, Con Mascota/s
  • En casa Todo tranquilo
  • Soy Fumador No
  • Soy Bebedor No
Personalidad ¿Como actúas? ¿Cuales son tus gustos?
  • En el instituto, era Forajido
  • Socialmente, me describiría como Reservados, Tímido/a, Ruidoso, Observador, Amistoso, Cómico, Extrovertido/a
  • Mis aficiones e intereses son Religión / Espiritualidad, Cenar, Leer, Artes y Manualidades, Aprender, Música, Televisión, Internet, Bailar, Viajar, Cocinar, Pesca / Caza, Ir de camping, Computadoras
  • Mi idea de un rato estupendo es Quedarme en casa, Películas, Relajarse, Leer un Libro, Televisión
  • Mi primera cita ideal sería IDEAL DATE: to meet the person, go out to dinner with him talk, get to know him, and maybe take in a movie but I would like to spend most of the time talking. But if it is an all day date is to go out to the beach and walk and have fun just getting to know one another...
  • Siempre he querido probar I've done most everything, but my Goal is to please GOD first by doing as he commanded such as ministry (especially to the non believers, and atheists) to be married to a loving, God fearing man for life, to be supported as I support Him with God as the head of my marriage. To live life to the fullest in every aspect that God points out for me to do. I want to be a success in a marriage, life, and when the Rapture comes to be taken to Jesus in the Clouds to live an eternal life in a perfect body soul and spirit. I would love to learn how to waltz and to go back to ministerial school and get my ordained ministry license, I would also like to go to some of these prophecy seminars and teach a prophesy class.
  • Mis amigos me describen como Amistoso, Bobo
Puntos de Vista Puntos De Vista Sobre la Vida
  • Mi religión es Cristiano
  • Voy a la iglesia Una vez a la semana
  • Mi meta en la vida GOALS in my LIFE NOW would be to travel with a wonderful man, to help him in any self business or ideas he might have. To share and make memories, to discuss dreams, and then do them….to hopefully be able to go to some prophesy conventions, to camp, do more books, teach art, maybe on the road if we travel, and be able to minister to people no matter where we go. I want to grow inside me and become a more loving person, and most of all to be Raptured with my husband and my friends when Christ calls.
  • Mi sentido del humor es Amistoso, Bobo
Gustos ¿Qué te gusta?
  • En la TV, siempre veo Noticias, Documentales, Dramas, Educativos, Películas
  • Si voy al cine, siempre me gusta ver una Acción, Drama , Documentales
  • Cuando escucho música, lo que más me gusta es Clásica, Nueva Era / New Age, Ambiente, Gospel, Folk
  • Cuando leo libros, lo que más me gusta es Noticias, Antiguedades, Autobiografías, Biografías, Clásicos, Historia, Misterio, Naturaleza, Filosofía, Política , Religiosos, Soy un autor literario
Estoy buscando a ¿Qué es lo que buscas en tu alma gemela?
  • ¿Qué te resulta atractivo? Ingenio, Espontaneidad, Audacia, Sensibilidad, Empatía, Grandes Habilidades, Humor, Detallista, Inteligencia, Pasividad
    As well as one that put's GOD first, understands what marriage is, thru thick and thin, is loving, kind, patient, good humor, LOYAL,
    I would love in a man FIRST OF ALL to LOVE THE LORD FIRST and FORMOST..to understand the commandments and to follow them..to understand what marriage is all about in God's eyes and to follow them...to not judge what one looks like outside, is loyal, independent, but loving, sincere, well adjusted, can communicate and LISTEN and respond with intelligence and patience and compassion but with his ideas. to be supportive, even tempered, to work problems out by honest communication. To be willing to be teachable, no ego per se, where hurt feelings then take over and anger sets in...To be able to take a compliment or a criticism with understanding and be able to talk about how he feels. Not moody, or easily angered, can control his temper, and replies with softness and patience.
    I am looking for a man that knows God's intent for Him and lives it.
    No worldly vises. hates the worldly sinful ways, is conservative, understands God's plan for the future, knows what the rapture is.
    IS SAVED and has the HS in him OR he may not be saved, but is open to becoming a True Believer and is teachable and is open to hearing the word, and thru his own will come to Christ. And not because I ASKED but because he wants to.
    I am patient when it comes to this, and will wait until this event happens. And will be supportive and teaching and by my example will pray that he sees the benefits of becoming a child of Christ. But I can not in all honesty be with a man that is not saved because being in a relationship that is unevenly yoked is very dangerous, and stressful on both parties. Usually ending up in a disaster.
    I hope that he would love to cook, do gardening, fix things, is handy with mending things, loves animals, not jealous. Understands how to handle money, is not materialistic, honest, and accepts and forgives easily mistakes.
    Is a good communicator, LISTENS. and replies. has hobbies. independent, but dependent in the way that he loves family, peace, the HOME. and does not have WANDERING EYES.
    I have always wanted to waltz and just dance just because LOL..but being as I’ve been taller than most of the men of my life no one wants to dance with me LOL.
  • ¿Qué tipo de relación estás buscando? Comprometido, Otros

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